Thursday, August 20, 2015

Great Start to the new Year!

SLHS Community,

We are very excited about the start to our school year.  Students were eager to get back into the swing and our newest Gators are acclimating themselves to the building very well.  

Back to School Night was a great success-  We had the opportunity to talk with over 250 parents about the new year along with each spending some time with their son/daughters teacher as well.  

Reminder-  We will begin implementing the new tardy policy starting next week so please encourage your students to be to school and all classes on time-  The 95% attendance rate to attend large events will be enforced and every 5th tardy will count as one UNX toward that overall attendance rate.  

STUDIO-  Please encourage students to utilize the studio resource we have in place on their off hours. We have content teachers in the studio to support and provide help to students that ask for their help. Its a great opportunity to finish homework and or get questions answered before you get home.  The studio is located in the library.  

Sunday, August 16, 2015


I cannot believe the eve of August 17th and a brand new school year is upon us.  Time to let go of the years past, spark new passion and purpose, but most importantly creative the most effective environment we can at SLHS.  

The staff has worked very hard this past week preparing to open our doors, hearts, minds and souls to Gator Nation-  We took to the front court for some team building activites that had us all thinking outside the box, creating ideas that are reflective of design, and working together as a team rather than a group.  As you will see in the photos below we had a great time, but learned a lot from each other and formed a new bond to pursue educational excellence together! 

Welcome back! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Welcome Back GATOR Nation!

Hello SLHS community,

Let me be the first to welcome back both our students that will begin the 2015-16 school year with our freshman orientation on August 17th and of course our school community!  I hope our upper classmen enjoyed the summer vacation and are ready to welcome the newest class of Gators to the SWAMP!  

Welcome class of 2019!  

August 6th is our annual registration day and this year we are offering a slightly different option for students wanting to see their schedules.  IF a family has logged onto JEFFCO Connect and made all necessary updates to the system, those students will be able to pick up a hard copy of their schedule at the school on August 6th.  If not you MUST take care of the updates before your schedules will be released.  

Wednesday August 19th will be our annual back to school night where new and veteran students and parents can tour the school, talk with athletic and activity sponsors, along with speaking with students' teachers.  Look for more information on August 17th. 

NEW Attendance and Tardy Policy-  For our veteran students we are implementing a new and improved attendance and tardy policy.  You will received more information on the new policy the first week of school.  Students will now be REQUIRED to carry their school ID with them daily.  All tardies and absences will be accounted for and consequences will accrue as the tardies/absences occur.  

MORE Updates as we move closer to the 17th-

Thank you and I am looking forward to partnering with our community to provide the most comprehensive and college career ready environment we can for our students! 

Jeff Pierson- Principal