Thursday, October 25, 2012

Update on Jessica Ridgeway Arrest


As you have now seen or heard, the authorities have a suspect in custody in the Jessica Ridgeway case.  You have also been privy to information that the suspect was a former student at SLHS.  We are cooperating with law enforcement as they continue their investigation.  While we all deal with a whirlwind of emotions, we have support personnel in place for any and all needs.  Our school and community are resilient and will persevere through this tough time.  I thank you for the support, thoughts, and prayers for this entire community as we start the process of justice and healing.  I suspect the media will continue to be near our site throughout the coming days/weeks as this progresses so please be aware and inform your kids about the media coverage/possible interviews they may request. 

Please rest assured, this school community is unified, strong, and dedicated to our students and providing the best comprehensive education we can on a daily basis. 

Jeff Pierson- Principal

Friday, October 19, 2012

Coffee with the Superintendent

SLHS Community,

We have a very exciting opportunity to talk with our superintendent Dr. Cindy Stevenson this next Wednesday right here at SLHS from 3:00 to 4:00pm-  Please see information below and RSVP to the number provided.  Lets give Dr. Stevenson a big welcome and let her know how much our community cares about JEFFCO.

                Superintendent Cindy Stevenson invites parents, guardians, community members and key communicators for coffee and an opportunity to discuss important school and district issues.  This is your chance to ask questions directly to the superintendent or principal. 

Date for Coffee         Location of Coffee                                 Time
9/4/12                        Ralston Valley High School                    7:30-9:00AM
9/12/12                      Pomona High School                              7:30-9:00AM          
9/27/12                      Arvada West High School                      7:30-9:00AM
10/23/12     Standley Lake High School       3:00-4:00PM

RSVP for this special event by calling 303-982-6808

Monday, October 15, 2012

A heartfelt THANKS to the SLHS community

SLHS Community,
I cannot thank you enough for the warm wishes, thoughts, prayers, and support you have shown the Ridgeway family along with our community over the past 10 days.  While our deepest sympathy and thoughts are with the Ridgeways as they now try and find some peace, begin a healing process, and lastly justice for this horrific event.  Jessica was one of our own and the SLHS school community will remember this beautiful and charismatic young lady.

I want to encourage families to engage in conversations within your family about not only this loss, but about accountability, awareness, and most of all about what to do in emergency type situations.  Don't let this senseless act hinder our willingness to enjoy life with our kids and the freedoms associated within this great country.  I am extremely thankful for the tremendous law enforcement agencies that have worked tirelessly on this case and will hopefully find the person responsible quickly so justice can be served.

I've received multiple requests and suggestions on ways to both remember Jessica at SLHS and on the other hand opportunities for the community to offer self defense courses, etc.  I will continue working with our district within board policy to find the most appropriate ways to address these topics in the very near future and with the family's approval.

The following webpage has excellent information, tips, and learning for you to read and share within your family-  The Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Thank you,
Jeff Pierson

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Friday is "Wear Purple Day" for Jessica Ridgeway

SLHS Community,

We have now entered our 6th day in the search for Jessica Ridgeway.  If you have followed the news and heard from the family, Jessica's favorite color was purple.  Standley Lake HS along with our entire articulation area declared this coming Friday "wear purple day" in support and hope for Jessica, her family, friends and this community.  We are asking that ALL students and staff wear something purple.  Our student council students will have purple ribbons available on Friday as well for anyone that may not have anything purple.  I hope you may also consider wearing purple on Friday in a show of support for the family during this very difficult time- 


Monday, October 8, 2012

Missing Student

Standley Lake Community,

Its with a heavy heart that I post this message.  As you may have seen and heard, a student from our immediate area has been missing since Friday morning.  10 year old Jessica Ridgeway a student at Witt elementary went missing on her way to school Friday morning.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to talk to your son/daughter/niece/nephew/grandson/grandaughter about the importance of awarness and what to do in a stranger danger situation.  Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Jessica and to the Witt community.  If you have any information that can be helpful to the Westmisnter PD, please contact them immedaitely.  You can also receive updates on their twitter page at 

I want to thank this community for showing up in mass to help search and support the efforts of Westminster PD on Saturday.  I received many thank you's and call about how thankful people were to see so many of you out supporting this search effort. 

Please contiue to keep this family and Jessica in your thoughts and prayers as the search continues.  If your son or daughter is needing emotional support through this please have them see one of our counselors immediately.  Lets work together and get one of our own back home to her family.

Thank you-

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Homecoming SUCCESS

Gator community,

I want to first thank you for all the support and dedication you have shown the student body to start the year.  Your hard work and support was extremely evident this past week as our annual Homecoming Week was a HUGE SUCCESS.  The week was full of student centered events, themes, athletic competitions, and even a door decorating contest that was extremely hard to judge.  Dr. Stevenson stopped by the swamp last Thursday and was extremely thrilled with the culture and feel of the building.  Pictures of some events are to the right of this post. 

As we made a change in venue for the powder puff game, the attendance and support was overwhelming as I believe we had the largest crowd in my five years at SLHS for the game that was held at the NAAC.  The teams played very well as it was the least penalized game in my tenure.  I received multiple thank you's from parents and community members on how amazing the atmosphere was for the game. 

Reminders for the Week-
TONIGHT- College night- 6:00pm- GYM

Parent Conferences-
Wednesday- Oct 3rd- 4:30-7:30pm
Thursday- Oct 4th 3:00-6:00pm