Thursday, August 30, 2012

Coffee with the Superintendent


                Superintendent Cindy Stevenson invites parents, guardians, community members and key communicators for coffee and an opportunity to discuss important school and district issues.  This is your chance to ask questions directly to the superintendent or principal. 

Date for Coffee         Location of Coffee                                 Time
9/4/12                        Ralston Valley High School                    7:30-9:00AM
9/12/12                      Pomona High School                              7:30-9:00AM          
9/27/12                      Arvada West High School                      7:30-9:00AM
10/16/12                    Standley Lake High School                    3:00-4:00PM

RSVP for this special event by calling 303-982-6808

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

School wide Summer Reading Program a HIT

Our entire staff and student body continued our yearly tradition of the summer reading program.  A list of potential books is chosen in the Spring and sent out to both students and staff.  Every member of the school community decides what book he/she will read over the summer months.  A book study schedule is then set up for students led by staff members that read the same book.  This has become a tradition at SLHS and really promotes reading and the importance of literacy.  You can see pictures from the event to the right.

The programs also serves as an English grade for all students as each is required to come up with a set of Level 1-3 questions to discuss during the book discussion.  Those questions are turned in to English teachers and serves as their summer reading grade.  We are excited about the program and our staff has totally supported and gotten behind the efforts to promote literacy in the summer months.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to School Night THANKS

Thank you Standley Lake community for the turn out and support last night at our annual Back to School Night!  We had a building full of parents eager to partake in the SLHS experience and meet our staff.  I had the pleasure of meeting so many new parents and students that had nothing but great things to say about our staff, curriculum, and the welcoming environment. 

As noted in my message last night, I encourage each student to get involved outside of the normal school day through our variety of athletic and co-curricular opportunities.  Students engaged with an activity outside of the curriculum extend their chances of academic success tremendously. 

Please consider getting involved with one or more of our parent organizations.  All of the community information with dates and times of meetings can be found on our home page at
  • GET- Gator Effectiveness Team- Monthly- 5:30-7:00- (First meeting this coming Monday August 27th) LMC
  • PTSA- Parent Teacher Association- Monthly- 7:00-8:30 (First meeting this coming Monday August 27th) LMC
  • SLAB- Standley Lake Athletic Boosters-  Monthly- TBD
  • FOSLIB-  IB parent organization- Monthly 2nd Wednesday- 6:30-7:30pm LMC

Below is the JEFFCO financial outlook video link that was presented last night.  Please click on the link to view the short video. (Windows Media)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The SWAMP is Full of Gators

Good morning SLHS community,

Standley Lake High School kicked off today with a building full of GATORS.  We are expecting an exciting year full of new opportunities, successes, and most importantly academic achievements.  I will continue to provide updates on the happenings at SLHS through this blog and hope you will enjoy/stay informed through this site. 

Please note our back to school night this Wednesday starting at 5:30pm with an activities fair in the cafeteria. We will begin the large group portion of the night at 6:00pm in the gymnasium.  I will be showing a special video from our superintendent at that time.  This night provides parents and students an opportunity to meet teachers, review course expectations, and get an overall feel for the environment/building here at SLHS.  I encourage each of you to attend. 

Please note that our first accountability meeting will take place this coming Monday night from 5:30 to 7:00 with the PTSA meeting immediately following at 7:00pm in the Library Media Center.  I encourage any and all parents that have an interest in gaining more insight about SLHS, its operations, happenings, and updates to attend and/or join the committee.   The GET committee serves as the community decision making body and has a tremendous reputation with amazing community representation. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

One Week to Kickoff!

Standley Lake Community,

I cannot believe we are at one week and counting until the new school year begins.  Our 2012 assessment scores are in and will provide a full presentation to our staff on Wednesday and then the same synopsis to our GET (Gator Effectiveness Team) when we meet in September.  I am pleased with our efforts as we have plenty of celebrations and a few areas to concentrate on for the 2012-2013 year.  As a school our work will continue with staff through looking at data, enhancing classroom instruction, and developing lessons from the new standards that are rigorous, thoughtful, and concept based. 

Please note the following important items as we approach kickoff-

- Students make sure you have completed your summer reading activity.
- ALL students taking a math course will need a graphing calculator this year- We recommend: TI-83, TI-83Plus, TI-84, TI-84Plus Silver Edition.
- JOG IN THE BOG-  We are very excited for the annual JITB fundraiser to support all of our programs at SLHS.  The athletic boosters do an amazing job putting this huge event on and I encourage you to participate in the activities.  To register or get more information please visit the SLAB site at
- ALL freshman and new students report to school on Monday August 20th for a full day- All students then report for the first day on Tuesday August 21st. 
- We will run periods 1-8 for the entire first week of classes with NO BLOCKS.